Startas with the visual identity of the 62nd Pula, 5 Festival exhibitions and 8 Festival concerts
02 July 2015 |
Hits: 1474
Volunteers at the 62nd Pula
29 June 2015 |
Hits: 2520
Volunteer application closed, Workshop Baltazar capacity has been reached
23 June 2015 |
Hits: 1663
The film industry in the Pula Film Festival spotlight
19 June 2015 |
Hits: 2080
Foreign media coverage of the 62nd Pula
15 June 2015 |
Hits: 1828
Preminuo slavni britanski glumac Sir Christopher Lee
11 June 2015 |
Hits: 1592
Croatian and international film programmes of the 62nd Pula Film Festival announced
10 June 2015 |
Hits: 8201
62nd Pula - a creative summer full of movies for children and young people
05 June 2015 |
Hits: 2133
Ima li hrvatski igrani film dva lica?
28 May 2015 |
Hits: 2481
Dodjela nagrade Marijan Rotar: poziv za prijedlog kandidata
22 May 2015 |
Hits: 2605